1931 to 1934 – further improvements

From Golfs Missing Links

It was reported in April 1931 that the former course of the Dunfermline Golf Club, had been immensely improved by the Ferryhills Golf Club, which was formed about two years ago.

Holes had been lengthened, there were now two over 500 yards, new holes had been put in place, the thirteenth hole at the quarry side, had been abandoned, and more bunkers had been added to the course – it was stated that “the members had made a wonderful job”.

The membership of 400 was drawn mainly from Queensferry and Edinburgh.

Three new trophies had been presented to the club. Cups had been given by the North Queensferry and Inverkeithing members for spring and autumn competitions, and a shield for a bogey competition had been presented by John Millar (manager of Cruicks Quarry.)

1933 – new members sought

Ferryhills Golf Club.

The Council is prepared to admit a Limited Number of New members. Subscription £3 7s. including Locker Rental. Delightful Situation and Excellent Club House Accommodation.
Green fee for visiting clubs 3/-.

Particulars and Application Forms for Membership from Thomas B. Crookes, No. Secretary, North Queensferry.

1934 – AGM
Below is a report on the annual meeting held in February 1934.
From the Scotsman Wednesday 21st February 1934.


Dr. A. J. Brock, president, presiding at the annual general meeting of the Ferryhills Golf Club, congratulated the members on another successful year. He referred to the unanimity which pervaded the meetings of the Council, and thanked the retiring members for their services. He also welcomed the new members.

The honorary treasurer (Mr T. B. Crookes) moved the adoption of the report and statement of accounts, which showed a credit balance of £30. The prospects for the coming year, he said, were much brighter than they had ever been before.

The captain (Mr W. G. Mathewson), in seconding, said that, despite the difficulty of the weather, there had been a definite improvement in the condition of the course, and further improvement might be looked for during the coming season.

The appointments were made:- President, Dr A. J, Brock; captain, Mr W, G, Mathewson; honorary treasurer and secretary, Mr T. B. Crookes; competition secretary, Mr J. Roberts; new members of council, Messrs W. Hay, J Maclachlan, J. Roberts, and J. Bremner.

The fortunes of the course were boosted in 1935 by the creation of a new South Queensferry club, which played on the Ferryhills course.

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