Carlingnose Camp
The Scotsman – Saturday, 19th July 1913, page 11
The advance party of the 6th Black Watch arrived at North Queensferry on Thursday afternoon and are busy preparing the ground for the arrival of the main body due today. The arrangements for the pitching of the camp are in the hands of Cpt A B Baillie Hamilton (Adjutant), Major Sadler and Cpt L Gibson. The site of the camp is the rising ground behind the Forth bridge midway between Inverkeithing and North Queensferry. The Regiment, about 750 strong and drawn from all Perthshire will be under the command of Lt-Col D C Colville V.D.
The Scotsman – Monday, 21st July 1913, page 9
” 6th BLACK WATCH (R.H.) AT CARLINGNOSE. The 6th Battalion of the Black Watch, to the number of almost 500, arrived at North Queenslerry on Saturday evening from Perth, Crieff, Dunblane, Aberfeldy, Auchterarder, Dunkeld , Blairgowrie , Callander, and Doune. The men, who “were under Colonel D. C. Campbell, once proceeded to the finely-situated camp at Carlingnose, about a mile from the Forth Bridge. The weather was excellent, and the arrival of the battalion created much interest in the district. The officers in camp are:—Colonel Campbell, V.D.; Colonel Colville, V.D.; Major Murray Stewart, Captains J. Wylie, L. Gibson, T. E. Young. G. D. Pulllar, W Alexander, A. Innes, the Hon.M V. Brett, MVO., Captain and Adjutant Baillie Hamilton, Major and Quartermaster B. Sadler, Major Stirling- RAMC, Lieutenants J. Hally, Gray, Calder, Campbell, Burgis. On Sunday Chaplain the Rev. Hunter Smith conducted divine service. It is expected that aeroplanes from Montrose will take part in some of the military manoevres during the next fortnight.
The Scotsman – Wednesday, 23rd July 1913, page 11
6th Black Watch at Carlingnose
Yesterday the 6th Black Watch carried out Company training under Company commanders on the rising ground above Inverkeithing. Cpt MacKinnon and three NCO’s from the depot HLI at Hamilton are giving special instruction in scouting and Maxim gun drill. Col McKerrell commanding the Black Watch inspected the Regiment and made a tour of the camp. The medical and sanitary arrangements are in charge of Major Stirling RAMC and so far the health of the camp has been excellent. Arrangements are being made for the Regimental sports on Friday.
The Scotsman – Friday, 25th July 1913, page 8
Excellent weather still favours the training of the 6th (Perthshire) Bn the Black Watch at Carlingnose North Queensferry. This Bn forms part of the coast defence troops and the important event of Wednesday was an inspection of the camp and the companies at work, by General Johnston commanding the coast defence. The General reached camp shortly after 10am and expressed himself as particularly well pleased with the orderly condition of the camp. He also inspected some of the companies at their training. At the afternoon parade, outpost work judging distances, and attack practise were carried out, and thereafter an examination of the company books and records was made by the Brigadier-Colonel A de S McKerrell. Yesterday the Bn took part in a field day in the neighbourhood of Aberdour, and tomorrow afternoon the Regimental sports will be held. The health of the camp is excellent and the men are enjoying the training to the full.
The Scotsman – Saturday, 26th July 1913, page 11
Number 4 Coy under Cptn Wylie paraded at 7.30am on Thursday, and left camp at Carlingnose to take up a defensive position in the Cullaloe Hills about 6 miles distant. The idea was that this Coy formed part of a hostile force which had landed at Kirkaldy. Major Murray-Stewart was in command of the defence, and a strong position was was selected in the vicinity of Parkend Farm. The remainder of the Bn under command of Col Campbell V.D. and Lt-Col Colville V.D. made a rapid march starting at 8.30, and after locating the enemy made a spirited attack on the position. In spite of the open nature of the ground, the attack was well carried out, and the advances well covered with the aid of a maxim gun.
The whole operations were supervised by the Brigadier, ColMcKerrell C.B. and Cptn Davis, Bgde Major, while Cpt and Adjutant A B Baillie-Hamilton acted as umpire.
The Bn arrived back in camp about 4pm after a strenuous day’s work. The weather continues fine and the men are in the best of condition.
During the manoevres one man in “B” Coy had the misfortune in crossing a wall, to fall and dislocate his shoulder, but he was attended to by the ambulance section.
A feature in the camp is the splendid music discoursed every evening by the pipe band of the Bn under Pipe-Major Donald Kennedy.
6th ” BATTALION Black Watch sports. A -Highland gathering, which was in various respects unique, was’ held yesterday at Carlingnose, North . Queensfen y, where there have been encamped for a week the 6th Battalion Black Watch, Royal Highlanders. Eight companies have been under canvas, these being A and B (Perth), C (Dunblane, Callanderand Doune), D (Crieff), E (Blairgowrie), F (Auchterarder), G (Dunkeld), and H (Aberfeldy.) From a, spectacular point of view, the sports were exceptionally interesting Among those present were Lord and Lady Esher, Callander ; Brigadier A. D. S. M’Kerroll, C.B., commanding- the Black Watch Brigade; Colonel Campbell , V.D.; Colonel Colville, V.D.; Colonel and Mrs Halley, Majors Murray, Stewart, and Haig, the Hon. W J. Hewitt and Mrs Hewitt, St Colme: Provost Husband, Dunfermline, and Mrs Husband; Miss Phyllis Dare. The results of the principal events wero: —• Mile race (open)—1, Piner Steele, E Company; 2, Private M’Neill, B Company; 3,.Private Willis, E Company. Cooks’ Race—1, Private Riddoch, F Company; 2, Private A. Guthrie, B Company; 3, Private F. M’Gregor, G Company . This proved to be one of the most amusing events of the day. few of the competitors being able to so manipulate the vessels as to retain their contents. . Bagpipe Competition—1, Corporal Pritchard; 2, Piper Scott; 3, Piper Davidson and Piper M’Neil (equal) Veterans’ race (2O years’ service and upwards, one yard for every year over 20}—1, Colour-Sergeant Sinclair; 2, Colour-Sergeant Smitton; 3, Sergeant Comrie. Among the competitors was Sergeant C. Moir, -who has seen 35 years’ service. An ” extra ” was a bayonet fighting expedition, which, as an exhibition of skill, was so greatly admired that the authorities may be induced to include it in the ordinary training.
The Scotsman – Monday, 28th July 1913, page 8
6th Black Watch at Carlingnose.
The Bn spent a short time on Saturday in close order dril. The various evolutions were performed with precision. Thereafter the companies continued field training seperately under the company officers, and from the smart way in which the various companies and sections carried out the movements, it could be seen that the men had profited considerably from the work carried on during the week.
At the Bn sports the previous day, the football and tug of war finals had to be postponed, and these were brought off on Saturday. The football cup was won by F (Auchterarder) Company after a keen contest with C (Dunblane) Company. In the tug of war, C Company defeated H (Aberfeldy) Company.
About 100 men who were unable to put in the full training period left camp, and about 90 arrived in camp to put in training during the second week.
Yesterday forenoon the Bn paraded for divine service, which was conducted by the Rev D R Henderson of Leycroft, one of the Bn Chaplains, and immediately afterwards the lines were inspected by Lt-Col Campbell V.D. the commanding officer.
The Scotsman – Friday, 1st August 1913, page 10
The officers of the Bn enjoyed the privilege on Wednesday evening of inspecting the various works at the new Naval Base at Rosyth, over which they they were personally conducted by Mr Cartwright Reid, chief superintending engineer for the Admiralty.
Yesterday forenoon was devoted to the carrying out of attack practise, while in the afternoon field firing from Carlingnose Battery at targets in the sea, as well as observations from the trenches there, were engaged in with satisfactory results.
In the evening about 300 officers and men of the Bn paid a visit to the Empire theatre Edinburgh. The men were under the command of Cpt Gibson, the Mess President, and were accomodated in the dress circle, which had been specially reserved. In the course of the entertainment, a telegram was received from Col Campbell commanding the Bn, expressing regret that he was unable to be present, and wishing the men a pleasant evening. The management of the Theatre reproduced the telegram on the bioscope screen. The men were the guests of the officers.
Today will be fully occupied with field operations on an extensive scale in the neighbourhood of Broomshall, where use of a large area for this special purpose has, through the courtesy of the Earl of Elgin been obtained.
Tomorrow the camp will be struck and the men will leave for home by 2 special trains.
By all ranks it is felt that this years annual training on the ground where in the event of war, the Bn would be stationed, has from a military point of view been most instructive and successful, while the unbroken spell of excellent weather has contributed to make life under canvas both beneficial and pleasant.
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