1898 – increasing membership

In 1898, a new green was opened at the fourth hole, and several new bunkers added. Further improvements, especially to the tees were planned for 1897.

The new club house had been a great success, so much that the committee considered adding extensions to the house.

Total membership of the club was now 376, made up as follows.

Location Number Names
Alloa 2
Crossgates 1
Dunfermline 90
Edinburgh 265
Inverkeithing 9
Kirkcaldy 2
Liverpool 1 James Stewart
North Queensferry 4 Ebenzer Fulton, Dr John Marshall, Phil Marshall NQ,
D. M. Scott, School House, NQ
South Queensferry 1
USA 1 Robert Lockhart, New York, USA

So membership of the Dunfermline Golf Club was predominantly (70%) from Edinburgh!

1899 saw the publication of “Inverkeithing, North Queensferry, Limekilns, Charlestown, the Ferry Hills” by A. S. Cunningham.

This local history booklet, included a chart and description of the Ferryhill Golf Course in 1899.

Δ Golf Course Index

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