1911 – second extension to Crooks House.

The Scotsman November 7th 1911 carried this report about alterations to the Clubhouse


Alterations have just been completed at the club house, consisting-of a new smoke-room, lavatory and cloak-room accommodation, complete renovation of the old dining-room, and the addition of a ladies’ room.

The alterations have been carried out under the direction of the captain, Mr William J. Kennedy, architect, Edinburgh.

These drawings from the 1921 Title Deeds, show (in red) the extensions to the building – a spacious dining-room, ladies’ room, store room, and additional gents’ toilets.

The 25 inch to 1 mile OS maps of 1896 (left) and 1915 (right) show the extensions to side and rear of Crooks House.

The cost of adding the extension exceeded the original estimates leading to protests about a levy to cover the cost

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