1910 – School Boys as Caddies

The Evening Telegraph and Post, Tuesday November 15, 1910.
School Boys as Caddies

Trenchant was the criticism passed upon some of the members of the Dunfermline Golf Club by the Inverkeithing School Board, and when they next go to the Ferryhill course greater care than hitherto is likely to be exercised in engaging of caddies.

The Board complained that many boys did not attend school because of the allurements of acting as caddies. Not only is the attention of golfers to be called to the iniquity of the practice of interfering with the boys’ scholastic work, but a threat of bringing the players before the Sheriff has been thrown out.

This caddie question has long troubled the educational authorities where golf courses abound, and one is surprised that players do not render them more assistance in the matter. Mr Dow of North Queensferry, remarked, “The ministers who came down every Monday were the worst.”

Now that the attention of the Dunfermline club has been officially called to the matter – they had a hint of it before – it is to be hoped that in week days, at all events, the system of engaging boys as caddies will be discontinued in the interests of the boys themselves, whose education is undoubtedly affected.

Meantime life at the Club continued as normal.

Members requested better clubhouse facilities, leading to a second extension to Cruicks House in 1911

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